Saturday, October 15, 2016

OMNIBUS AIO F3 PRO Flight Controller

This is a beautiful gold looking flight controller with a few important improvements over the Omnibus F3 that I will write about soon.

Racerstar RS20Ax4 V2 20A BB2 48MHz Blheli_S 2-4S Opto Oneshot42 Multishot 4 in 1 ESC


I have many of these and will write about them soon

RaceFlight Revolt F4 Fight Controller

I pre-ordered 9/19/2016 and received it directly from Preston Garrison on 10/22/2016 at Drone Worlds Championship. I got it flying that night before going to sleep.

Here is my build.
Raceflight Revolt flight controller
Arc 200 frame
30A 4IN1 ESC with blheli_s, current, bec
Diatone SP3 vtx with osd, 5v,0/25/200/600mw
1177 cam
Turnigy Bolt 1000mAh 4S 15.2V 65~130C High Voltage Lipoly Pack

It flew well even though the flight controller was loosely mounted.

The next day I improved the 4-in-1 esc, flight controller, receiver, and video transmitter stack making everything much better spaced out, better air venting, better crash survivability, etc. Now it jitters like crazy and won't fly. I haven't figured out the problem yet. It could be that I had the FC mounted against soft plastic before and now it is mounted against hard steel or it could be that I moved the receiver from the bottom to the top of the flight controller, causing vibration on top next to the sensors.

I calibrated my escs. Then decided to upgrade them. I bricked 1 of the escs. so testing has slowed considerably while I figure out how to unbrick 1 of the 4-in-1 escs. I will add more info soon. If you like my posts, write a comment. Thanks.

HobbyKing DarkSide Arc200 Frame Kit

This looks so sexy with the skinny arms. I am just starting to fly it and will write more about it soon.

I talked with Shaun Taylor about the Cricket and Arc 200 at Drone World Championships. I'll post about it soon. I want to check with him if it is ok to share our conversation here.

2016 DRONE WORLDS | OCT 17 ~ 22, 2016

2016 DRONE WORLDS | OCT 17 ~ 22, 2016

I volunteered for Race Operations and judging at Drone Worlds championship. It was an amazing 3 days meeting all the top pilots. I got to fly the track for a few minutes after everyone left:

2016 World Drone Racing Champions

1. Shaun Taylor
2. Paul Nurkkala
3. Nick Willard

1. Shane Traweek
2. Zoe Stumbaugh
3. Ethan Gulnac

1. James Haley
2. Steve Petrotto
3. Jeremiah Guelzo

Country team:
1. Team USA
2. Team Korea
3. Team United Kingdom

Sponsored team:
1. Team KT
2. Team DYS
3. Team Hawaii

Me with Zoe Stumbaugh "Zoe FPV". The world's top female drone pilot. 

Me with Paul Nurkkala “Bulbufet”! I was his judge many times.

Me with Shaun Taylor “Nytfury”!!

Me with Paul Nurkkala “Bulbufet” again!

Me with Chad Novak "FinalGlideAUS"!

A bunch of us with Steele Davis "Mr. Steele".

I wish I could do it again. At the time I didn't know many of the pilots there. Now I recognize most of them when I watch youtube.

DIATONE Stackable SP3 40CH Switchable Power Video Transmitter with OSD and Pigtail SMA

DIATONE Stackable SP3 40CH Switchable Power Video Transmitter with OSD and Pigtail SMA

I had preordered 3 of these direct from Diatone USA 3 weeks ago and just received 1. There was a note that the other 2 would be shipped next week.

This VTX has MWOSD built in, 48 channels, and power selection of 0, 25, 200, 600mw!

Here is what I got:

There are no directions on wiring or any pin diagrams. There is a 5 pin and a 7 pin socket and connector. So I traced the wires using a continuity tester and figured out most of them.

The 5 pin connector leads to a 4 pin connector for your flight controller. The white wire goes to RX and black goes to TX of any available UART. You need to enable MSP in cleanflight/betaflight/raceflight on that port.

The 7 pin connector is: positive in, ground in, unknown, unused ground, 5v camera out to camera, ground to camera, video in from camera. The confusing part on mine was that the camera ground wire was missing. Hopefully others will not be missing that. I made my own cable for it.

The VTX was not advertised to have 5v camera voltage. I tested and that is what it has. That is great. I should be able to send noisy battery voltage into the VTX and get clean 5v for the camera and have clean video.

Here is my test setup:
It works. There is a usb connection to update and configure MWOSD. I will write more later about that and how it works in flight.

I am using every UART now! 1 for sbus, 1 for smartport telemetry, 1 for this OSD. I guess no GPS for now. I love to see the speed, height, distance from home when I do have a GPS connected.

I emailed Diatone USA and they emailed me a diagram. It looks like this was supposed to on the print out but got cut off:

Wednesday, October 12, 2016 and

I have been consistently excited by ReadyToFlyQuads (RTFQ) Flip32 and other flight controller releases for around a year and a half now. They have always been a step ahead of the multiwii, apm, pixhawk, cc3d, and naze32 standard flight controllers. For example the flip32 line got new features like direct battery voltage sensing (vbat), spectrum satellite plug with 3.3v, 16MB blackbox, onboard 5v bec, and others before the official Naze boards got it. I recently discovered that most of RTFQ products are created by I have many RTFQ and AirBot products so I decided to review some of the newest ones.